Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Communication for Barnlund Transnational-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication for Barnlund Transactional Model. Answer: Dean Barnlund invented a communication transactional model in 1970 to help in the interpretation of interpersonal communication which emphasizes that sending and receiving of messages happens at once between two people. The model has multiple layers and is a feedback system. Constant feedback is provided by both parties. The Barnlunds model is made up of public, private and behavioral cues. Public cues are those that are in the environment or can be man-made. Private Cues include factors like senses and can be verbal or non-verbal while behavioral cues are concerned with behavior and can also be verbal and non-verbal (Shen and Austin,2017, p.355). Three Noise Factors: Physical Noise-These are external interferences to both the sender and receiver of the message and include loudspeakers, loud kids or a loud party (Noris,2016). Physiological Noise- These are barriers that can be caused by the sender or receiver and include things like talking too fast, mumbling or lack of pauses in a conversation (Noris,2016). Psychological Noise This is noise that is caused by mental interference either on the speaker or receivers side. It can be caused by wandering thoughts, assumptions or sarcasm (Noris,2016). Overcoming Noise Barriers: Overcoming the barriers caused by noise can be done by: Identifying the source of noise so that possible solutions are thought out Removing physical distractions from wherever they are or moving away from them Listening actively while someone is speaking (Mai and Hoffman,2014) Being empathetic and not judging (Penrose,2015) Using clear language and being coherent Seeking and giving feedback (Verial,2017) Question Two-Motivational Report Part One: MiVO Telecommunications From: Operations Manager To: All Employees Formation of Task Force to Implement New Communication Policy MiVo Telecommunications has been my home for five years and I have been happy working in such a reputable organization. Currently, I hold the position of operations manager and my role is to ensure all operations go smoothly both internally and externally. Over the years, MiVo has adopted a communication style that has enabled it to succeed while interacting with customers and employees as well. This has leveraged the company into holding a strong position in the South African market as one of the top telecommunications companies. Despite the great work that the team has done, there are still challenges when it comes to communication due to external and internal environmental factors. In light of this, the executive team has deemed it fit that the organizations communication policy be reviewed so that we are able to cement our position as the top telecommunications company in the country. Together with a team of employees from the various departments, we will form a task force that will look at the current internal and customer communication policies to identify the loopholes within the same over the next 3 months. Further to this, the task force will come up with recommendations that will be the basis of coming up with a stronger communication policy that will be beneficial to employees, customers, and all organizational stakeholders. The main objectives of the task force will be: Engaging staff and getting customer feedback that will enable identification of loopholes in current communication strategies Proposing new ideas to be factored into the new communication policy Organizing for organization-wide staff training on the importance and applications of business communication Coaching employees on effective customer communication Official documents formulation and communication etiquette In achieving our objectives, the task force will require your full support and cooperation so that the new communication plan becomes a success. Further, we will be seeing your input on new ideas that can make communication better both internally and externally. As we start this process, we are grateful for the support we have received so far and urge that you continue in this spirit as we strive to make MiVo the best in its industry. Annotated Bibliography Reference 1: Harvard Reference Entries - Importance of Educating Employees on Effective Business Communication Practices: Educating Employees. (2017). The Importance of Educating Employees on Business Communication Practices. Business Communication Practices [Online]. Available from https://educating-employees.blogspot.co.ke/2017/09/educating-employees-on-effective.html [Accessed 28 April 2018]. The above online source can is academically credible and relevant to the topic because it gives exhaustive details as regarding why it is important to teach employees about business communication. The article speaks about factors like understanding communication, communication elements and forms of communication. Reference 2: Maislin, S (2017). How to Promote Effective Communications in Your Workplace. CMSWire [Online]. Available from https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/how-to-promote-effective-communications-in-your-workplace/ [Accessed 28 April 2018]. The above article is academically credible and relevant since it speaks about the topic at hand which is educating employees on business communication. The article gives various steps that employers can use to educate their employees. The author also has experience in the business communication field hence making the source one that can be trusted. Question 3 -Email to MiVo Customer Care Agents From: Operations Manager, MiVo To: MiVo Customer Care Agents Subject: Compulsory Intercultural Communication Workshop on 15th May 2018 Dear Team, Thank you for the great work you have been doing as the MiVo customer care team. Despite this, it has come to our attention as management that of late, there have been problems regarding intercultural insensitivity. This is after several complaints that have been received from employees and customers, regarding how they have been handled and in some cases some insensitive comments made by customer care agents. The complainants feel that they were directly targeted and this poses a great reputational risk to our company. Considering this, all customer care agents must attend a compulsory intercultural communication workshop, on the 15th of May 2018, at the MiVo Leadership and Training Centre. As customer care agents of MiVo, we are the face of the organization and therefore must keep in mind that we must empathize with our customers and always aim to give them the best service possible. Part of the lessons that will be learned in this workshop will be the eight methods of improving in tercultural communication as shared by Rettig (2017): Reflecting on behaviors after any intercultural communication encounter and learn from the same Understanding what motivates another persons behavior Doing research to understand different cultures and how to behave in communication situations Seeking help whenever in situations that may not be comfortable Being mindful of other people Double checking any assumptions concerning other cultures Do not judge others based on their culture Constantly seek feedback I urge all the customer care agents to start putting the above eight factors into practice even as we plan on attending the workshop. Kindly feel free to consult any manager or colleague in case you feel stuck. Let us strive to be sensitive to one another and give our internal and external customers stellar service as per MiVos mission. Regards, Operations Manager, MiVo. Bibliography Educating Employees. (2017). The Importance of Educating Employees on Business Communication Practices. Business Communication Practices [Online]. Available from https://educating-employees.blogspot.co.ke/2017/09/educating-employees-on-effective.html [Accessed 28 April 2018] Mai, R. and Hoffmann, S., (2014). Accents in business communication: An integrative model and propositions for future research.Journal of Consumer Psychology,24(1), pp.137-158. Maislin, S (2017). How to Promote Effective Communications in Your Workplace. CMSWire [Online]. Available from https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/how-to-promote-effective-communications-in-your-workplace/ [Accessed 28 April 2018] Norris, J.E. (2016). 4 Types of Noise That Disrupt Communication. Onthego.FM [Online]. Available from: https://onthego.fm/4-types-noise-disrupt-communication-non-technical-problem-podcasters-face/ [Accessed 28 April 2018] Penrose, J.M., 2015. Understanding and using the relationships between business and professional communication and public relations.Business and Professional Communication Quarterly,78(4), pp.494-510. Rettig, T (2017). 8 Habits of Successful Intercultural Communications. Intercultural Mindset [Online]. Available from https://medium.com/intercultural-mindset/8-habits-of-successful-intercultural-communicators-f77d7eb331a9 [Accessed 28 April 2018] Shen, L. and Austin, L., 2017. Communication and job satisfaction.Social Issues in the Workplace: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, p.355. Verial, D. (2017). How to Overcome Noise Barriers in Communication. EHOW UK [Online]. Available from https://www.ehow.co.uk/how_8031308_overcome-noise-barriers-communication.html [Accessed 28 April 2018]

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