Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Reflection On My Personal Experience - 1390 Words

ISS Reflection Paper I would never aspire to be king because it is much more interesting to be the king-maker. This is my informed judgment based on the sufficiency of my experience and the intrinsic value I derive from analytical and creative problem solving processes. I opine Strategic Advisor and Communicator are synonymous with my definition of â€Å"king-maker,† both roles I have experience and some success with. Nevertheless, I am fortunate to have many years of experience to reflect on and guide this self-assessment. Accordingly, I begin this self-assessment by reflecting on a seemingly random event that shaped my attitudes, values, and ethics, and led to important changes in my personal life. Once armed with these insights, I will†¦show more content†¦He emphasized these eight competencies were â€Å"outcomes† of our war college learning experience combined with our attitudes, values, and ethics. I interpreted this to mean that it is unreasonable to expect that all eight c ompetencies would be resident in my professional toolbox at this time, emphasis is mine. This begs the question, what competencies do I have? As originally stated, I have experience and some success executing the mission-specific competencies of a Strategic Advisor and Communicator while serving in the U.S. European Command and the U.S. Special Operations Command. Gavlin explains this mission-specific competency as â€Å"Professional judgment in matters of advice and communication stem from a full understanding of the environment through scanning, cultural awareness, ethical reasoning, and understanding the implications of the advice given.† While in Europe, I was a member of an interagency team responsible for drafting U.S. Embassy-Berlin’s diplomatic position, i.e. Note Verbale, with the government of Germany on how U.S. Army Europe would conduct oversight of Support to Intelligence Operations related contracts. Heretofore, these negotiations were routine and resolved at the lowest levels without issue. However, public disclosures aboutShow MoreRelatedPersonal Reflection : My Personal Experience1625 Words   |  7 Pagesbecause it is so easy to become tangled in our worries, stress, and busy schedules. Reflection can differ depending on the individual. 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